Dental implants are very popular in the field of dentistry especially when it comes to transforming your smile when you have missing teeth. These are generally successful but there can be certain challenges that can take place which will be discussed in the article below.
Your dentist will discuss with you about the pros and cons of dental implants Sydney so you have a better idea of what to expect. In rare cases, there can be implant failure that can be due to inadequate fusion of the impact with your jawbone. Sometimes this can be caused by biomechanical issues or infections. This can be prevented by carrying out a thorough assessment before the operation and ensuring proper planning. The overall health of the patient will be considered along with their bone density. The dentist will also ask you questions and carry out a thorough examination to understand potential risk factors. You have to maintain good oral hygiene once the implantation is complete so that infections can be prevented. If the implant fails, this will need to be removed and corrective measures have to be taken before another implant can be tried again.
There can be inflammation of tissues that are around the dental implant.
This happens when there is poor oral hygiene. This will allow bacteria to accumulate in this area and cause an infection. This has to be treated immediately as ignoring this condition can cause loss of bone and the stability of the implant can be affected. Prevention is essential when avoiding inflammation and this requires attending regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings. The dentist will be able to monitor the health of the implant and any plaque or tartar can be removed. You need to stick to a strict oral hygiene routine to prevent inflammation. There may also be bone loss around the dental implant with time and this can cause issues with implant stability. To mitigate this, there will be bone grafting procedures recommended by the dental professional before or after placing the implant. This will improve the quality and quantity of the bone so that there is a stable foundation for the implant.
Sometimes the implant can shift or you may notice that it feels loose.
This can be due to an infection, improper fusion or implant overload. By identifying the cause of this, the dentist can provide certain solutions. For example, if the implant has not fused to the jawbone properly, some time can be given for this to heal before placing any stress on the implant. You can use antibiotic treatment for infections. The implant restoration can be adjusted to manage implant overload. There has to be proper communication and collaboration between you and the dental professional so that any issue with the implant can be identified early on with early intervention. Sometimes the gums can recede around the implant and the aesthetics of your smile can be altered. This is why planning for implant placement is so important. If this has occurred already, a soft tissue graft can be considered.